1) Power down the laptop 2) turn on the laptop 3) hit the esc button until a menu pops up that says fedora 4) Hit the letter e on the keyboard 5) use the arrow keys and navigate to the row where it says "rghb quiet". Delete this text and enter "rd.break enforcing=0" 5) click ctrl and X on the keyboard. This will force the system to boot up 6) once your at a prompt that starts with # , Enter "mount -o remount,rw /sysroot and hit enter 7) next type "chroot /sysroot" and hit enter 8) next type "cat /etc/passwd" . Your user id will be on the far left and ends with a colon such as : Example : tcpdump:x:72:72::/:/sbin/nologin mas:x:1000:1000:Mas:/home/mas:/bin/bash my user id is mas 9) next its time to change the password for this user. Type "passwd username" replace the word username with your user id. Example in my case i would type " passwd mas" 10) Enter the new password and confirm it 11) Next type "restorecon -v /etc/shadow" and hit enter. Than type touch /.autolabel 12) Type exit and hit enter, then type exit and hit enter again. The system will reboot and you can use the new password