expire0 We currently have two versions of our Expire0 application. If for some reason you are moved to another stream. You may need to switch apps. Please follow the instructions below on how to change apps 1. First remove the existing application . Go to settings > Applications > Manage Applications locate the application either Expire0 XC1 or XC2. click the app name and click uninstall. 2. Next you will need to install the app were your account is currently active. You should have been provided this information in a seperate message. To install the application , now open the app called filelinked. Enter 30447600 in the box and click dismiss on any popup windows . Click continue and it will ask you for the pin number. You should have been provided this information as well. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the list of application and install the required version of Expire0 Either XC1 or XC2. click it , the app will download to your device . After the download has been comppleted. You can now click it again to install it. Follow the on-screen instructions. 4. After the application has been install you can open it and click the stream number you've been assigned. 5. Enter your login credentials and click sign in.